Wednesday, 17 May 2017

My secret

It's New Years Day and I've been keeping a secret since Christmas Eve. I had been up a couple of nights with an upset stomach and wanted to take something for it. On reading the pack it said 'do not take if pregnant or trying to get pregnant. I knew there was a possibility I could be pregnant so took a cheap test that had been in a bottom drawer for a year. I took it just before getting in the shower and didn't expect to see anything but after a couple of minutes there was a faint pink line. As when I found out I was pregnant with Eliot I didn't believe the 'cheapo' test could be right (when of course it was as it picks up HCG like others) so when I went shopping for a half price Christmas Turkey I picked up a clearblue pack of digital & non digital test. Being impatient once I'd loaded the shopping in the car I went back into the shop to do another test in the toilet. I did the line test which showed a barely visible line so decided to do the digital one the next morning.
Christmas day we were awoken by Eliot excited that Santa had been and after lots of present opening I managed to do the digital test which definately confirmed I'm pregnant.
  It still hasn't sunk in but if all goes well there will be a new arrival around the beginning of September. I still have to tell my other half!

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