Showing posts with label #MorrisonsMum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MorrisonsMum. Show all posts

Monday 5 May 2014

#MorrisonsMum 2 Fooood!

I've split my #MorrisonMum post into two as I didn't want to overload with photos and video, you can read my first post here about our shop in Morrisons and our picnic.
In this second post I'll be sharing some of the food we bought and what we thought of it.
We did our shop on Friday afternoon, on our way home we got stuck in bad London traffic and Eliot's dinner time was getting nearer and then it passed. By the time we got home Eliot was hungry so we needed something quickly. I hadn't taken anything I'd pre-made out of the freezer as I'd been planning to cook something from our shop but now there wasn't enough time. Luckily we'd picked up a couple of meals (two for £3) from Morrison's 'Just For Kids' range that would only take a few minutes.


Meals like this are always handy if you find yourself needing dinner pronto. Eliot enjoyed it and wolfed down the lot! I had a little taster too and thought it was really tasty. Eliot also had his first ever taste of strawberries and yogurt for his pudding.

As everything had been a rush we found ourselves wanting something quick and easy too! We'd bought a Morrison's Indian from the reduced section for the bargain price of £3.75. Pretty amazing for two curries, rice and sides. The original price is £7.50 which is still good value considering how much an actual takeaway will cost.

Indian is one of my favourite cuisines, therefore I'm always opinionated when I try dishes that don't come from an Indian restaurant. 

We had chicken korma and chicken tikka masala, both of which were very nice and I was more than pleasantly surprised. We also enjoyed the rice, onion bhajis and naan breads.

 The dish I've probably enjoyed most has to be good old steak and chips! I picked up a sirloin steak on Market Street priced at £3.17 which I thought was amazing value for sirloin! I selected peppercorn sauce to accompany my steak which was only £1. I must admit we were a bit lazy with our cooking over the weekend but as I mentioned in my previous post we wanted to make sure we had plenty of time to enjoy the weather!
The steak was delicious, it was tender and the peppercorn sauce went with it perfectly!

As a family our favourite recipe was tuna and roasted veg pizza! You can see it in the you tube video below...

Such a cheap, quick and easy meal to make and of course you can add whatever toppings you fancy. Here's a breakdown of the cost
  • Pizza  bases £1.69
  • Cheddar cheese £1.00
  • Tinned Tuna £1.00 (£4.00 for a pack of 4)
  • Tomato puree 12p  (49p for a tube)
  • Pepper 33p (3 pack 99p)
  • Half Red Onion 10p
  • Quarter pack of cherry tomatoes 24p 
Therefore it cost £2.24 per person. We had the pizza for lunch and shared it between the three of us but I've calculated the cost for two people as that's how many adults it would feed.

Have you done a Morrisons shop since their price cuts?

*We were sent vouchers to spend in Morrisons

The Food Shop and Picnic Fun #Morrisons Mum 1

Last week I received some rather exciting mail from BritMums and Morrisons. I'd been chosen to be one of their #MorrisonsMums to help promote Morrisons 'New Everyday Prices'.
 Over a thousand price cuts have been made on the products we buy most and the great thing is those prices are here to stay, they are not just another promotion!
'This is the start of a new cheaper Morrisons.'
 So armed with Morrisons vouchers we headed to one of our nearest stores, in Wimbledon. When we arrived, Eliot got comfy in the trolley and we began our shop. We quickly spotted the products that had price reductions via their easy to spot labels. 
Morrisons 'New Everday Prices' are marked with the 'I'm cheaper' label.
 I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was not only Morrisons own brand range that had price reductions but also plenty of other brands too!
One thing I particularly like about Morrison stores is the way their fresh produce is displayed on 'Market Street'. We picked up some lovely fruit and veg. It wasn't too long before our trolley was virtually over flowing!
One thing we quite fancied eating over the weekend was pizza, not completely from scratch because if the weather was good (which it was) we wanted to get out and about without worrying about rushing home to prep food. What we wanted were pizza bases so we could add our own toppings. There weren't any bases with the fresh pizzas so we asked a member of staff to help us locate some. He was friendly, helpful and tracked down what we were after! Shortly after it was time to head to the checkout. Our shop included some  yellow stickered reduced items as well as products with the new price cuts so we did come away with some great  deals and value for money!
There was one slight problem though, we bought so much we needed to use Eliot's pram as a trolley to help us get everything up to our flat!

 Then of course there was the unpacking to do!

The following morning the sun was shining so we decided to go for a picnic. I made some cheese and spinach muffins to take along with us. And of course other 'usual' picnic food, we made ham and tuna sandwiches (not together!), hot smkoked salmon flakes, baguette, houmous, crisps, yogurt, strawberries banana, cucumber and sparkling water. All were purchased on our Morrisons shop.

 Making muffins!
 Just out of the oven
Getting ready to slice some cucumber and strawberries. 
Eliot and his packed lunch. 
We had a lovely time at the park and enjoyed a great value picnic.
Here's a video of our Morrisons Shop and picnic.
See our second blog post including our favourite recipe here
*We were sent vouchers to spend in Morrisons

Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate comments and read all of them!