Showing posts with label Baby Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Advice. Show all posts

Monday 22 January 2018

Asda Little Angels Video Tips

If you follow me on Instagram you may remember towards the end of last year Little Miss Nola took part in some filming for Asda Little Angels which was rather exciting! We travelled down to Dulwich for filming with some of the lovely Myraid PR team, some other mummy's and their beautiful bubbas. Nola and I were filmed for a 'nappy changing tips' video and I must say she was very well behaved for a seven week old!
A couple of weeks later I was invited along to the launch of the new videos at London's Ivy restaurant with some other fellow mummy bloggers, Dr Hilary Jones and Vanessa and Kayley from Myriad PR. What a treat to have an afternoon off 'mum duties' with great company and amazing food!

 Asda Little Angels created the videos with Dr Hilary Jones to give advice and tips on four particular areas of baby care, clickable links below!

 I was super excited to see the finished videos, naturally extra excited to see the one Nola and I filmed! I really recommend giving them a watch for some great tips! If you're wondering why your baby's nappy is leaking, why they might have nappy rash,  how often you should bath your newborn or when your baby is ready for weaning, these videos will give you a heads up with plenty of other advice!

For more info and advice from Asda Little Angels check out their Baby & Toddler club.

* I was invited along to the launch of the videos at The Ivy, I received no payment for this post

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