Showing posts with label Britmums Live. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britmums Live. Show all posts

Sunday 22 June 2014

BritMums Live 2014

The posts are cropping up left, right and centre so if you haven't read about BritMums Live 2014 yet, where have you been?!
On the run up to the big event many of us bloggers had declared how nervous we were but it turns out it wasn't as bad as I'd imagined.
Through the wonders of social media I'd arranged to meet a few bloggers beforehand which was grand but on Friday morning my nerves started to kick in! I got in touch with Donna from The London Mum to see if she wanted to meet at Liverpool Street Station. A group of us had planned to meet at All Bar One but I found the prospect of turning up by myself extremely daunting. I am just crap in those situations, so I was relieved when Donna was up for to meeting first too.
We headed to All Bar One where we plucked up some Dutch courage with Prosecco, and thanks to Donna met some other bloggers including Katie from Hurrah For Gin and Kiran from Mummy Says. All very lovely and I discovered a few who had lived in the area I do now, small world!
With a couple of Proseccos down the hatch it was time to head to registration.  We met Gemma from Sunshine On A Cloudy Day, Andrea from Blogger Mumma and one of her gorgeous boys, baby Archie.
On our empty stomachs lined with Prosecco, Donna and I actually missed the introduction! I think we both assumed that there would be an announcement so carried on chatting to brands. But there were no notifications! As a grown adult I'm perfectly responsible enough to get where I need to be but failed massively here! I blame the Prosecco!
The first day went by in a blur of meeting fellow bloggers, seminars, crazy dressing up and the BiB awards.
I am so pleased to have met Kelly from To Become Mum, I love reading her blog and she is so lovely! I was really glad I bumped into Hayley from Sparkles & Stretchmarks, one of my blogging faves, another lovely person, who has been kind enough to give me blog advice more than once and for that I am very grateful!
 Over the two days I spent quite a lot of time with Vicki from Ellie Bear Babi who was also so lovely! I've repeated lovely far too many times but everyone I met was just that!
 Saturday was a day of more seminars, learning, being inspired and meeting more wonderful bloggers. It was great to meet Sarah from Toby Goes Bananas who I made a  'sort of pact' with about buying a BritMums Live ticket. Sarah bought hers the next day but I didn't after seeing the state of my poor bank account! A few weeks later though I did, so I didn't entirely break the pact! Over lunch I met Donna from Redhead Babyled, amongst other bloggers and again everyone was lovely!
One highlight had to be having cuddles with Andrea's gorgeous Archie, he was so well behaved (in fact all the babies were) and simply adorable!
What really made the weekend was meeting the people behind the blogs, especially the wonderful bloggers I spent lots of time with. Thank you Donna, Gemma, Andrea and Vicki for fab first time BritMums memories, roll on BritMums 2015 and the Butlins weekend/Trip to Northern Ireland somewhere between (hopefully!)
If you fancy a glimpse of what BritMums was like, watch my Vlog :)

Thursday 1 May 2014

I'm going, are you?

To BritMums Live that is! I've read a fair few of these posts now and thought it was about time I jumped on the bandwagon! In the majority of these posts I've read by other lovely bloggers, they've expressed how nervous they are, and there's no doubt I'm with them on feeling that way!

Name: Lucinda
BlogTeacher 2 Mummy
Twitter ID@Teacher2Mummy
Height: 5ft 3 and a bit!
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Is this your first blogging conference?
It is indeed! I'm super excited but also feeling very nervous too!
Are you attending both days?
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014?
I'm really looking forward to meeting other lovely bloggers I've been chatting to but also meeting new people too! I am feeling very nervous about meeting people as I tend to go quiet in these situations.
What are you wearing?
I'm not sure yet, probably leggings or jeans. I want to be comfortable so I will be wearing flats for sure!
What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014?
As a new blogger I'm definitely looking to pick up tips and ideas to help improve my blogging skills.
And of course I hope to make new friends!

Are you going to BritMums Live? Let me know if you are!

Monday 17 February 2014

Can you SPONSOR me to attend Britums Live 2014?


Teacher 2 Mummy

 Britmums Live, is an event well known in the parent blogger world but if you haven't heard of it, it's a two day conference that connects brands and bloggers, as well as helping bloggers enhance their blog.

As a new blogger I believe attending this event will help me develop and improve my blogging skills, thanks to the opportunity of tutorial sessions and discussions. It will also give me the chance to meet brands and all the fab bloggers I've been connecting with through various social media sites and their blogs.
Teacher 2 Mummy was 'born' in October 2013, documenting life as a first time parent, including the highs and lows, honest views and opinions. I enjoy participating in regular 'bloghops' to connect with others. I've also guest posted on other blogs, including the pbloggers blog.
 I am proud of my little space on the internet, it has grown through a variety of social media networks and the stats are continuing to grow! Last month my blog had over 2700 page views. I currently have over 1200 Twitter followers and over 400 likes on Facebook.

What I need...
I need a family friendly brand/small business to pay for the cost of my Britmums live ticket (£95). I live in London so do not need hotel expenses covered.

What I'm offering my Sponsor
I would love to develop an on-going relationship with a brand/business that can offer sponsorship and I'm open to negotiate what your brand will receive in return for sponsorship. Including the following:
  • Display your linked brand logo on my sidebar for the remainder of 2014.
  • Introduce your brand as my sponsor on Teacher 2 Mummy. Share on Social Media networks.
  • Write more posts before and after the event.
  • Promote your brand through reviewing products and/or hosting a giveaway
  • If applicable, at the event I would wear personalised clothes/badges displaying your brand logo.
  • I am co-organising a parent bloggers meet in London where I can also share information about your brand.
  •  I could add your brand logo to business cards I will be handing out at the event.
I would love to discuss this further, if you can help by Sponsoring Teacher 2 Mummy to attend Britmums Live 2014 please do get in touch here
Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate comments and read all of them!