When I received an email giving bloggers the opportunity to participate in the Early Learning Centre's Valentines Art Competition I was keen to take part. I haven't really done many creative things with Eliot so I thought it would be nice for us to take part in the challenge.
I got in touch and was sent these lovely bits to use on our collaborative 'masterpiece'.
Let me tell you the 'Collage Toolobox' is a treasure trove!
All these bits are a teacher's dream!
First of all I put some of the card down for Eliot to pick a colour. I also put some PVA glue in an old pot but had to improvise for a spreader as I didn't have one. So it was one of the lollipop sticks from the toolkit. On closer inspection of the lovely collage bits I also found a little glue pen, perfect for small hands and less mess! I used both in our creation.
I'll let Eliot explain the rest :)
I'm Eliot and I'm seven months old. I love having cuddles and have just learnt how to give kisses, so mummy and I thought it would be nice to create a card that represents these things. As my fine manipulative skills are not like mummy's yet, she had to do all the sticking and cutting but I chose the collage bits I wanted to put on my special card.
First mummy put me in my high chair to get cracking on our valentines art competition entry. I chose yellow card to for mummy to stick all the bits on.
Here I am, raring to go!
'Yes I'm sure I want yellow mum, now lets get started!'
Next mummy put some foam shapes on my highchair. I liked them all so mummy stuck them all on the yellow card.
Helping mum pick up a foam heart.
So this is what it looked like after we stuck the foam shapes on.
After that I needed to choose which eyes I wanted to use. I chose medium, they weren't too big or too small.
Next we used pipe cleaner to make some 'huggy' 3D arms and some legs. I really enjoyed exploring the feel of the pipe cleaner and how it twisted.
'Huggy arms'
Then I chose a shiny pom pom decoration.
Next Mummy let me explore the foam letters and she spelt out 'Love' & 'Hug' before sticking them on.
Here's how it looked...
It was getting close to bottle time!
Then it was time to choose a gem to add some more detail to the card.
I thought it was a good idea to fill in the foam heart in the middle. The shredded tissue paper looked excellent for this. Mummy put some glue in the middle, scrunched up some shredded paper and stuck it down.
Until it looked like this! Then she used the red glitter pen to add a mouth to our 'huggy heart'.
Finally she used the glitter pen to add more detail.
And voila...we were finished!
I think I will give this to my grandparents!
What do you think?