Showing posts with label Parragon Book Buddy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parragon Book Buddy. Show all posts

Monday 15 December 2014

Parragon Book Buddy Review-Baa Baa Black Sheep

If you're still looking for toddler gifts or stocking fillers this is an adorable little book! We received Baa Baa Black Sheep by Little Learners for our November book as part of the Parragon Book Buddy programme.
Complete with finger puppet through the centre, the book tells the well known nursery rhyme Baa Baa Black Sheep. The finger puppet adds that 'something extra' to really engage with your little one.
Eliot has been a big fan, he's still not completely sure how the sheep moves which is very sweet. He has also enjoyed showering Baa Baa Black Sheep with some sloppy kisses! The illustrations are lovely and feature the different characters from the rhyme.
The big plus point for me is that it's a hard, sturdy book. Eliot loves flicking through books but often accidently (or purposely) rips pages. Obviously this book is safe from any toddler tearing! So we can read it together or Eliot can flick through it as and when he wants without the worry of any pages being torn.
The size of the book is ideal for popping in change bags to keep tots entertained on the go, which we've done with Eliot. It has been a great distraction when out and about and Eliot is bored or beginning to get cranky. 
You can purchase from Amazon here.
Giving Baa Baa black sheep a kiss!
* We received this book in exchange for our honest opinion.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Parragon Book Buddy Review Peek-A-Book & Count To 10 With A Mouse

Back in June at Britmums Live I signed up to become a Parragon Book Buddy. The two books I'm writing about are the September and October books for babies/toddlers. I have been so swamped with work, moving stress and general day to day stuff  I've been delayed at getting this post up!
The September book, 'Peek-A-Book' by Malachy Doyle was out of Stock when it was due to be sent, so it was sent along with the October book. After reading it myself I could see why had been out of stock. The teacher in me immediately saw the opportunities for discussion on each page, it is a book that will appeal to all fairy tale fans. It is a story I imagine reading to a whole class and the children being excited by it, especially when recognising some familiar characters.
The two main characters in the story are a cat and a dog. The dog chases the cat on to different pages, each page has a part cut out or is shaped differently. As the cat jumps on to a new page, she also jumps into a different fairy tale. The illustrations are bright and colourful which are very inviting for children. As a story it's obviously too old for Eliot to enjoy at the moment but he has loved flicking through the pages and looking at the pictures. I envisage it as a book we will enjoy together for years to come and eventually Eliot being able to read the story to me!
I highly recommend this book for older tots and children in key stage one, it would make a great stocking filler and you can buy it here.
Enjoying Peek-A-Book before bed!

The second book we received was 'Count To Ten With Mouse' by Margaret Wise Brown which came in a gorgeous gift set complete with cuddly mouse! Although I must admit I can't look at the book in the same way after my own encounter with a real mouse at the weekend but I won't get into that!
This again is a book Eliot has picked up and happily flicked through, with a bit more ease as it's smaller and the cover is hard back.
A key element of the book is that it features a mouse size hole on each page, the idea being the mouse hs crawled through which I think is cute.
The book has rhythm and rhyme which will draw in children to listen to the story along with the repeated pattern of the book.
I think it's a lovely book that has a bit more to it than most number books for tots, which often just feature the numbers. It has a story to it too which adds depth to it.
As it comes in a lovely gift set this is a fab Christmas present, children can never have too many books! To order click here.

*Disclaimer we were sent the books in exchange for a review as part of the Parragon Book Buddy Programme.
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