Showing posts with label Supply Teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supply Teaching. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Feeling Meh!

I haven't blogged for over a week, mainly because I haven't felt like it and I've been in a very 'meh' mood. So I thought I'd do a little update of what's been going on.
 Last week I did my first two days of supply teaching, which were much better than I'd ever imagined. The first school had written on the whiteboard in the staffroom 'Welcome to Lucinda Turner who is teaching in year two and three today' which was very unexpected! Staff can be unfriendly towards supply teachers (not necessarily because they mean to be but they have too much darn work to be getting on with). Not a bad start to my first day as a supply teacher at all. The following day I taught in another school covering nursery, reception and year one. I had a good day there too! 
On Friday we went to look at another house which we already knew we would be making an offer on. We also knew there would be competition as there were eleven other people viewing. The selling point for us had to be the garden, it was an amazing space for a little one to play in and had the potential to extend. We put our offer in on Monday (my birthday) as the estate agent who was dealing with the property wasn't in the office over the weekend. Later on we increased our offer as we knew there had been higher offers. Shortly after the OH called to tell me our offer had been refused, even though it was higher than the offer the vendor had accepted. According to the estate agent the vendor was concerned about accepting an offer from  buyers that were in a chain. To be fair we're not really in a chain, the person who is buying our flat is a friend and first time buyer, their mortgage has been accepted and we've been given a provisional exchange date. This was a total birthday bummer for me. We made a larger offer on Tuesday morning which was also rejected. It just completely contradicted what the estate agent had told us at that viewing, that the vendor 'wanted as much money as she could get'. Perhaps it just wasn't meant to be and something better will come along (that's what I've been telling myself anyway).
Tuesday and Wednesday I did a couple more days of supply teaching which again went ok again much to my relief!
Tomorrow Eliot has his overdue immunisations which I'm not looking forward to as he is a lot more aware of everything since the last time he had injections. I've had about three offers for work tomorrow but turned them down after feeling guilty about not being there when Eliot has his jabs. Even though I need the money I knew I would just be feeling guilty about not being there for Eliot, as his mum I feel I need to be there.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Feeling Nervous...

Last day at work with the Year 2 Team
This photo was taken on the last day of the school term a few weeks ago. My very last day teaching in the school I have worked the longest in since becoming a teacher. In the run up it didn't actually feel real, it felt as though the end of term was never going to arrive. But of course it did and on that day I actually got quite emotional. First of all was the last assembly, got a bit choked during that. Later on one of the children from my (dare I say it) best class came over, gave me a hug and told me I was 'a great teacher'. At the end of the day another child from that class came to say goodbye. She said that I was her 'best teacher'. Moments like those are part of what makes teaching a fantastic job. To be fair most kids tell you you're their favourite teacher after you've taught them for a length of time but I hadn't taught them since June 2013 prior to my maternity leave, so it really was touching.
It was at the staff barbecue when my emotions eventually got the better of me. A few of us were leaving and we were being handed cards. My colleague who had started when I did, gave a great leaving speech and when it got to me I couldn't get my words out. Not only because I was on the verge of tears but I can never really say what I want in situations like that. Thanks to reading other blogs I've worked out I have a few social anxiety issues and I believe that's part of what prevents me from saying more or what I really want to say. I ended up sobbing on a colleagues shoulder.
There were many highs and lows throughout my time there. My bump grew there and I worked with an amazing team of people. Some I got to know quite well and others not so well but everyone worked damn hard to make a difference in the children's learning and development.
It will be strange not to return at the beginning of the school term but I know it will be a very different place as lots of changes happened whilst I was on maternity leave.
So now I am theoretically jobless but I have registered with a couple of supply teaching agencies. This is why I am nervous and apprehensive. I won't know what school I'll be in, what year group I'll be teaching quite possibly until 7am on the actual day.
I have heard lots of negatives about supply teaching but I've also been told how great it can be too. Still, I'm nervous. What exactly I'm nervous about I'm not entirely sure, there's a mix of things. On any 'not so good days', I'll just have to remind myself that at the end of the day I'll be leaving and I don't have to return.
If you have any tips for overcoming/beating the nerves I would love to hear them! :)

Binky Linky

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