Showing posts with label Threenager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Threenager. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 January 2017

And Then You Were 3 (and a half)...An Eliot Update

This update has been sitting in my drafts since just after you turned three back in June but I just haven't got round to writing it! So it's more of a three and a half update!

You have progressed soooo much since I wrote your last update , I'm not even sure where to start!
You are a real chatterbox and your vocabulary has continued to grow, people have commented how well you talk for your age. You started reading print in the environment last year when your were two. Back in November 2015 Grandad told me you pointed to a jar of marmalade and said 'Tesco' as that's where it was from and you recognised the branding. Since then you have learned pretty much all the supermarket names as well as other familiar print that is seen out and about. Whenever we drive by a supermarket lorry, you always call out the name of the shop.

You still enjoy stories, especially at bedtime although you often request the same couple of books for several nights running! I bought you some alphabet cards and have gone through letter sounds with you, although we haven't done this for a long time! You recognise a few sounds but are definitely more interested in numbers at the moment. You count to 14 before getting muddled and recognise numbers to 12 and a few random numbers that you've seen on buses, like 88!
At the moment you're not really interested in 'writing' but will usually happily 'write' in cards for people, holding the pen/pencil/crayon with your whole hand.
Not much has changed with what you most enjoy playing with, you're still obsessed with buses and trains but you have also developed a liking for Toy Story after we went on your first holiday abroad to Disneyland Paris in the summer.

You play with different children at pre school now and often talk about them at home. It was lovely to hear that you've become 'best friends' with a little boy who struggled to settle at his previous nursery but you have helped him get used to his new setting. You do have a lovely caring side to you.
You are very confident and will happily talk to anyone and will wander off which worries me!

We've seen the podiatrist a couple of times but she's not worried about your walking on tiptoes and doesn't think you have any problems with your feet. It has improved a great deal and you don't do it very often anymore.
We have two big battles at the moment, potty training and your behaviour. Back in the summer you deiced all by yourself to use the potty by yourself to go for a poo and then did one again after that, you were so proud! Since then you have not been keen on the idea of using a potty or toilet, I thought you would get into the swing of it with your friends at pre school but unfortunately you got yourself in a bit of a state getting upset and holding wee in for hours, so we have stopped trying for the moment.
You continue to be a happy little chap, but your behaviour can be extremely challenging, you are a 'threenager' for sure!
You woke up with chicken pox on Christmas day but I suppose  a good thing is that we've got it out of the way now. I was due to book your immunisation boosters but have delayed that due to you having chicken pox. I'm dreading it because you have  massive needle hatred and hated having the meningitis jab.
Celebrating your 3rd Birthday with a trip to the transport museum
Overall you are a pretty good eater, your current favourite has to be cheese sandwiches which you request way too much! You still enjoy pasta, yoghurt, cucumber and all the naughty things that you shouldn't eat too much of. Your love of banana has dwindled and you rarely eat it but you have begun to eat cooked carrot. I do know you eat more of fruit and veg at pre-school.
You haven't napped for a very long time but I still  think you could do with a short one as you often fall asleep if we're in the car.
At night you usually sleep through but there are occasions when you wake up crying but you usually settle fairly quickly. I do have to stay with you until you fall asleep at bedtime.
You haven't been weighed recently.

Having fun at the river festival
You are wearing clothes in sizes 3-4 and 4-5 years. It can vary so much though depending on where the clothes are from. 

  •  Trains & buses (still)
  •  Toy Story
  • Dinosaur Train (TV progamme)
  •   Harrassing Mimi which upsets mummy...alot
  • Playing with daddy
  • Hand dryers (still) although you use the one at pre school apparently
  •  Smoke alarms
  •  The dark.
  • being told off
  • consequences
Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate comments and read all of them!