That's not my class...
They're not the children who learned and grew with my precious bump cargo.
That's not my class...
They're not the children who my colleague and I took on a London sights tour that was a disaster.
That's not my class...
They're not the children who I picnicked with and threw a party for in my final week before maternity leave.
That's not my class...
They're not the children I said goodbye to on 7th June 2013.
That's not my class...
They're not the children who squealed with excitement when I returned a few weeks later with my baby boy.
That's not my class...
They're not the children who gave me a group hug on the same day.
That's not my class...
They're not the children who wrote me letters, congratulating me on my new baby and asked questions about him.
That's not my class...
They're not the children who whispered 'It's Miss Turner' and waved during assembly when I returned to work on 4th April 2014.
That's not my class...
The class I've taken over ARE the children who lost a fantastic teacher when she left at Easter.
They ARE the children who are trying to get their heads round having Miss Turner for three days a week and another for the other two.
They ARE the children who I will be writing reports about, yet I barely know them.
They ARE NOT my class.
Returning to work is always going to have some sort of impact on emotions for numerous reasons.
I didn't expect to feel the way I do.
I am used to teaching a new class from the start of the academic year in September.
Some of the children I taught before gong on maternity leave had been in my class for nearly two years.
Robin Class 2012/13 were the children I taught when I found out I was pregnant, they were part of that special time as I spent five days a week with them.
Robin Class 2012/13 will always hold a special place in my memory, not only because my bump grew with them but because they are a wonderful group of kids!
How did you feel if you returned to work after maternity leave? Did things feel different?