Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rant. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 April 2014

I'm a DEMON...When Driving That Is!

Today my post is different from my usual, I hope you see the humorous side! 

My beloved Mini...pre baby of course!
In general I like to think that I am a calm, placid and patient individual. As a teacher I have to incorporate all those things! Those that know me well (very well) may say slightly different things but overall I believe I'm pretty chilled.

That is until I sit behind the wheel of my car. All starts off well but the smallest thing can trigger rage, fury and bad language. Living in London, a city you have to be an 'assertive' driver.
So here's a few examples of what provokes my anger...

Yes you are wonderful for doing your bit for the environment and helping yourself stay healthy on your commute or general jaunt. BUT why is it ok for you to cycle through red lights, chat on your phone and ride next to your pal side by side?
Of course I'm not referring to every single cyclist but I have seen MANY do the above.
Aside from the above you always seem to be in front of me when I'm in a hurry!

I'm sure all you van drivers think that us in our smaller cars should/will give way when squeezing down tight roads. Nope not me, I'm not bothered by your larger, white (usually) monstrosity. So next time don't attempt to intimidate me and look on in disbelief when I drive towards/past you. Oh and give me some lip or the finger, don't expect a pretty response!

Ah the iconic black cab of London so well known to the world. Taxi drivers share similar traits (in my opinion) to van drivers. You appear to believe you own the road. You pull over abruptly, sometimes without indicating to pick up a fare, causing those behind you to stop unnecessarily/brake hard/swerve. You literally force yourself into busy traffic as soon as you arrive at a junction, and will cut the rest of us up in various road situations.

Need I remind some of you that the safest place to be is on the pavement? Why oh why do you look so confused/annoyed when you step in to the road and then have to step back because cars are approaching? The road is for cars, don't attempt to cross when you see one approaching (if you're at a crossing that's a different story of course). The worst thing that you do is cross the road without looking, in particular I'm talking about not looking behind you when cars may be taking a left turn (Ok, I admit I've done this myself as a pedestrian). Keep yourselves safe, remember the green cross code? STOP, LOOK & LISTEN.

Drivers in the wrong
Nobody is perfect and I'm certainly not a perfect driver but I don't like being verbally abused by other drivers who made an error. When I was pregnant I remember one incident vividly. I was on the way home from work, queuing at a mini roundabout. I could see a car trying to edge it's way out of the position where they were required to give way. The car in front of me drove on, I began to follow when the driver who had been edging out pulled out right in front of me. Needless to say my horn was blasted and I uttered a few unpleasant words. When the male driver had the audacity to grind to a halt and mouth back at me I was probably the most infuriated I have ever been whilst driving. Some more.
I don't condone this sort of reaction whatsoever. Behind the wheel its almost like I have no control over it.

Breaking The Speed Limit
Ok it's something that the majority of drivers have done at some point but when it's five, ten, fifteen miles an hour or more over the speed limit, it's just not cool. Speed limits are there to keep us all safe!
 To the drivers that do this, no I won't speed up because you are up my backside. Remember if you bump in to the back of my car it will be YOUR fault. We all have somewhere to get to, it's your fault you're running late, not mine!

There we are, a few examples of what gets my goat when driving. It's funny how I wouldn't dream of being confrontational in any other situation, it must be because I'm behind metal and glass! I have become calmer since having Eliot as having an irate mummy shouting when your enjoying the scenery wouldn't be nice!

Do you change in to a different person when driving? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

As Parents are we 'Phased Out?'

If you're a fan of that past TV series, 'Friends' you may recall an episode when the term 'phased out' was used. I'm pretty sure it's Rachel who says it after her break up with Ross, she was worried she was going to be 'phased out' by the rest of the group.
Anyhoo the point of this post is because I felt pretty p'd off the other day, I think it was partly due to hormones but I can also be very sensitive about certain things. What led to me feeling a bit naff was good old facebook and it's updates, and another get together I hadn't been invited to. Ok not the worst thing in the world but it bothered me.

You see before I became pregnant I enjoyed a good old night out (or in) and a few drinkies with my friends. I had a great deal of these nights especially whilst I was at university.
I don't particularly miss that, I'm not looking for nights out where I rock up at home around 3am and end up eating something repulsive! Besides a hangover whilst looking after my baby is not my idea of fun.
On a night out with pals a few years ago.
But what I do miss is seeing my friends regularly, having a catch up and good old gossip! I have various circles of friends who are all at different stages in their lives, only a couple of good friends have children.

What I find hard is not being thought of. When I arrange a get together I like to think I always remember everyone in that particular 'circle' to invite. It seems now I've become a parent I don't get the invite, I presume it's because of the assumption that I will say 'I can't make it'.
It's still nice to be asked though! I would love to catch up, have a night/afternoon off, go to the
theatre/shopping/for dinner.

I am partly to blame though, I suppose I could do more about trying to arrange catch ups. I suppose I'm put off when so 'n' so can't do that date or this one. It can get very complex trying to arrange a meet with a group of pals!

I wouldn't change how my life as a parent is at all! I just wonder if other parents have had similar experiences/felt the same or am I simply being over sensitive about it all?

Friday 14 February 2014

Sloppy Soft Play

My'Dude' all ready for soft play partying!

On Wednesday it was my nieces 7th birthday and Eliot had been invited to her party at a soft play centre. I'd recently read Hayley's post about soft play over on her blog Sparkles & Stretchmarks and worries about hygiene were already in my head! Then my sister said reviews about this particular place weren't great, so I guess I went in with some pre-conceived thoughts! Still I remember having A LOT of fun at soft play centres as a child and was excited about seeing Eliot's reaction as it was his first ever soft play visit and birthday party.
When we arrived and got settled I took Eliot into the area for younger children. There were two gated off areas, one for under 1's and the other for under 4's. As we approached I could see a ball pit in the under 1 area and not much else. Apart from four boisterous boys who were well over the age of one chucking balls at each other and playing very roughly. I wasn't impressed and had to rein in my 'teacher mode', reminding myself I was not in my classroom and I had no authority. Now I expect kids to be letting off steam, especially after school but this was dangerous behaviour especially for babies and toddlers.
Needless to say we swiftly moved on and went into the under 4's area where a mum and her toddler were playing. It had more to do anyhow. I went to put Eliot in the ball pit when the hygiene worries became paramount. I peered in and it looked grubby. Grubby balls, grubby soft cushion things, just grubby! But hey I'm still here after soft play expeditions so how bad could it be really?! In Eliot went, looking a bit perplexed and not really 'fussed' by the experience. I helped him stand up against a cushion and he played with a not so 'grubby' newer looking ball.
Suddenly the four boys appeared, one clearly over 4 so yet another place he shouldn't have been playing in. The other mum eyed them too and commented it was getting a ' bit rough'.
My niece came in to see us. I turned my back to play with Eliot and before I knew it my niece was tapping me to tell me that 'that boy hurt her', whilst pointing him out. He'd thrown a ball in her face. As I was trying to ascertain whether it was an accident I heard tears. It was a little girl who happened to be with the party. She told me a boy had 'slapped her in the face'. I was fuming especially when I saw her glasses had been knocked off. She pointed out another of the four boys as the culprit. My 'teacher mode' got the better of me and I spoke to the boy who'd thrown the ball in my nieces face. When I asked if he'd thrown the ball I got a response I've seen countless times as a teacher. No words, shaking of the head and guilt written all over his face. I asked him who he was with, no response. So I found the nearest member of staff and explained, she said she'd get the manager to deal with the behaviour issue. I told my sister I was tempted to speak with the parents but she wasn't for it and it wasn't Eliot that had been hurt so I didn't. I don't even think the behaviour was dealt with by staff!

It's got me thinking about how I would deal with future situations with Eliot. What would you have done?

Saturday 7 December 2013

Being considerate...RANT

After two weekends of experiencing inconsiderate/rude/un-compliant people on the London Underground I feel the need to rant!

What do these notices mean to you?
For the past two weeks on the tubes we've travelled on, they have meant zilch to the general public! It has really wound me up! How much does common courtesy cost these days?
Last weekend we had Eliot in his carrier and not one person offered a seat, this upsets me because on a crowded tube it would have been much safer for one of us to be sat down with him. As the priority sign depicts, if you are holding a baby/small child (along with the other images), you have priority to sit in that seat.
Today we had Eliot in the pram and again the people sat in the fold down seats (spaces for buggys/luggage) didn't fall into the having a pushchair or luggage category, yet they didn't politely offer their seat. So instead, along with another parent we blocked the doors with our pushchairs! It just infuriates me that many people cannot comply with simple requests that affect the safety and well being of all passengers.
Even when I was heavily pregnant there were occasions where people turned a blind eye, and I have to say in 95% of these cases it has been men who have been the offenders! Though saying that I have also come across some very polite males.

Yes we could pipe up and ask politely if we could have the seat/space but we shouldn't have to when there are notices there stating the obvious!

What are you thoughts or experiences ! I would love to hear!

Monday 14 October 2013

'Other half' rant...

Lately the other half seems to 'mysteriously' forget to tidy up after himself, (more so than usual) or obviously believes that magic fairy (me!!!) will do it for him. It's driving me bonkers!
After conversing with other fellow females it seems as though some (not all!) men don't do general, simple day to day tasks as quickly as us women might do. Would they do the same if they lived by themselves? Perhaps if they wanted to live in squalor but I'm sure it would be a different story if there was nobody else to pick up after them!

Here's what I'm talking about in pictures...

1. Oh I'm sorry! Is an arms length from the sink too far for you to go to put these in the dishwasher?!
And while we're at it, do you really need to use two glasses before you go to work in the morning?!

2. Hmmm, it's obviously just as difficult to put your clothes in the laundry basket! Do you think I sit  around watching TV or Netflix all day since I became I mother without anything else to do?!

3. Ok I'll give you number 3. as it needs to cool down before it can be put away.

Sometimes it's like I have two babies to look after! These aren't the only 'lazy crimes' going on in our home, plates being left out and work papers strewn all over the place are another couple I can name!

Anybody else having similar problems, feel free to rant in the comments ;) x

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Sleepsuit Rant!

So my gorgeous boy was born heavier (a hefty 9.5lbs!) and longer than your average newborn. My other half says the first thing he noticed was how big his hands and feet were! There was no way he was going to be in any ‘newborn’ sized clothes for long. However I didn’t envisage the ‘sleepsuit problem’ that is leading me to this sleepsuit rant today!

Eliot is 15 weeks exactly today and fits very comfortably into 3-6 months clothes. Sadly his not so little tootsies are outgrowing them already and this is requiring a sleepsuit masscre! In other words, me chopping the toes off.

I know he can wear pj’s and other clothing without the feet in but I just love all in ones, they scream ‘baby’ to me! Of course they keep our lil ones nice and snugly too! Naturally I could buy the next size up but this wouldn’t fit well elsewhere and I wouldn’t be getting the most out of my product!

So this is plea…please can all baby manufacturers make the feet of their all in ones slightly longer for the bubbas with larger feet?
This will ensure less chopping of garments in the future and additionally they can be saved for any siblings. Many thanks!!!
A couple of Eliot's 0-3 month sleepsuits with their entire feet hacked off. I'll just go for the toes in the future!

Do you have the same problem? Have you ever cut any of your babies’ clothes to get more wear?
Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate comments and read all of them!