Showing posts with label second pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label second pregnancy. Show all posts

Sunday 29 July 2018

The Third Trimester-Second Baby

35+4 weeks
A year on from me being in the third trimester of my second pregnancy and I'm finally writing about it...better late than never!

Morning Sickness
I did have a lot of moments when I was nauseous, one in particular was when we'd made a roast chicken in the bag for a Sunday lunch. When it was cooked and I opened the bag I couldn't bear the smell, it made e retch and safe to say I didn't eat any!

Still no cravings as such but still avoided 'proper meals' on many occasions and would choose cereal and toast!


I always felt that when pregnant with Eliot that his movements were never really in a 'pattern' and felt the same with this pregnancy. I also thought the movements this time round were different, certainly bigger like rolls and more uncomfortable at times.
At 29+6 I called the midwife after work to say I was concerned I hadn't felt much movement so she sent me to the antenatal assessment unit at the hospital. Of course baby decided to become active and was moving whilst I was monitored. It happened to be the end of the heatwave in June and I'd had a sore throat so thought me being under the weather could have affected things.
I found myself back in the AAU a few times, I suppose the most worrying being when I fell arse over tit whilst rushing to a midwife appointment. I had to spend a bit of time being monitored and waiting for Anti D as I'd knocked my bump.

First monitoring
Midwives & Doctors 
I had the routine anti d injection due to my blood being rhesus negative. It wasn't the midwife I usually saw and I was asked if I would prefer the injection in my arm or the top of my backside! Having had previous anti d injections in my arm I went for the backside option. I was pre warned it would feel cold which it did.
 I saw a different midwife in my preferred hospital and also went through the process from the beginning, having to have my bloods taken again which I was not happy about! She also booked me to see a Dr as Eliot had weighed 9lb5oz when born and she happened to mention a 'bigger baby' could get its' 'shoulders stuck' which freaked me out and stuck in my mind. 
Most of the last few appointments with my usual midwife were normal, urine samples were ok apart from one time when my blood pressure was also raised so I was sent to AAU for monitoring but when they checked my urine and blood pressure everything was normal so I'm not sure what happened!
I saw the doctor at 39+6 after having a scan a week or two earlier to check babies size. At that point baby was estimated to weigh 7lb6oz. Due to my concern of baby being 'larger' than Eliot was, I was given a sweep which was not pleasant nor did it get baby moving! Then I was booked in for an induction four days later!


After having a 4D scan with Eliot I didn't think Id have one the second time round but gave in to temptation! I also wanted Eliot to see the baby to hopefully make it more real for him but as it turned out he was 'bored' after the first couple of minutes! The 4D experience is well worth it as you can find deals on packages. We came away with a DVD, images, a magnet and keyrings.
I also had a scan around 37 weeks to check babies size as mentioned above.

I don't think I mentioned in previous pregnancy updates that I had some patches of skin discolouration, one was above my eyebrow. 
I had hideously swollen legs and feet, I think that had to be the worst pregnancy symptom, they were uncomfortable!
One big memory I have from the third trimester was that week long heatwave (nothing compared to this summer!) I didn't have a fan and almost had a breakdown in one of the aisles in Sainsbury's when they told me they didn't have any. I attempted to sleep with an ice pack but still had an uncomfortable few nights of sleep!

How was your final trimester?
Keep an eye out for Nola's birth story coming soon!

Saturday 5 August 2017

The Second Trimester-Baby 2

Baby 2
 13-27 Weeks
I'm well and truly into my third trimester writing this at 36 weeks pregnant but better late than never!
Morning Sickness & Other Symptoms
My morning sickness continued a few weeks into the second trimester, still not actually being sick but suffering with nausea particularly if I was hungry.
I think I started to feel those first flutters when I was around 16 weeks pregnant, it felt like bubbles so I wasn't completely convinced. I started to feel those bigger movements between 18-20 weeks.
The old heartburn started to kick in sometime during the later part of the second trimester, only after eating certain things or at night when laying down, I bought supermarket own brand 'Gaviscon' to treat it.
I lost my appetite a bit (as well as being a bit lazy I suppose), preferring to eat cereal and toast rather than a proper meal in the evenings, like in the first trimester. Other than that I don't think I had any particular cravings.
It's funny reading Eliot's second trimester back as I had a few 'scares', this time I've been luckier and didn't experience any.
I met the midwife I would see for all of my general appointments at 16 weeks, her name was Carole. I got to listen to baby's heartbeat at this appointment which I always find reassuring. I also told her I probably wasn't going to deliver at the local hospital and was told I'd have to go to the GP to get a referral letter as where I wanted to deliver was out of their area. Before I saw her at my next appointment at 24 weeks I visited the GP and asked him to refer me. He didn't seem to think my preferred hospital would oblige but a few weeks later I received an appointment at my hospital of choice for when I'd be 28 weeks.

For some reason they don't book your anomaly scan until 21 weeks at the local hospital. I did feel slightly nervous as there is a worry they will find something that might not be good news. Thankfully everything looked ok and this time baby was facing upwards and behaving, letting the sonographer look at all the things she needed to (not like Eliot at his 20 week scan)! We stayed team yellow this time, choosing not to find out the gender (which I've written a post about here).
I did feel a bit disappointed with the overall experience as it felt a bit rushed.

I started buying a few bits but as we didn't know the gender of baby 2 I didn't want to buy too many neutral clothes as there's only so much white/grey/yellow you can buy! I also started looking more into pushchairs and car seats. We already have a crib that was Eliot's for those first few months so just need to buy a new mattress.

Monday 29 May 2017

10 Names I Love But (probably) Won't Use For Baby 2

I've enjoyed watching different videos about names that other bloggers love but won't use and seeing as I'm expecting baby 2 I thought I'd write a little post of my own.

There are several names I adore but won't be using...


1. Jacob...
I've loved this name for years but the OH vetoed it when I was pregnant with Eliot. I probably wouldn't use it now as it's quite common and being a teacher I've come across a fair few Jacobs

2. Reuben...
 I really like this and have done for years too but again the OH doesn't like it.

3. Elijah...
 is another one I've loved for years but the OH dislikes.

4. Noah...
 is  a name I've liked for a while but I think it's another one of those names that has become very popular in the last few years.

5. Arlo...
is a name that has grown on me since discovering I was pregnant with baby 2. I think it works well with Eliot... 'Eliot & Arlo' but the OH is not keen. If baby 2 is a boy I may try to convince him as we haven't found any boys names that we both agree on yet!


1. Charlotte...
 I think is such a beautiful name and I love it but one that is too common. During primary & secondary school I knew about 5 different 'Charlotte's'!
If it's good enough for a princess though...?!

2. Nola...
is a name I've liked since watching the film 'Matchpoint' with Scarlett Johansson & Jonathan Rhys Meyers but it's not in my current top 3 girl names for baby 2 so will be unlikely to use it if it's a girl.

3. Seren...
is a Welsh name that has grown on me since watching 'Abadas' on CBeebies when Eliot was a baby. The OH liked it but isn't so keen on it now and I don't think it goes that well with Eliot's name.

4. Isla...
was one of my top girl names before I found out Eliot was a boy but since then has grown and grown in popularity so I wouldn't use it for that reason.

5. Lyra...
is another name I've really liked for a long time...since watching The Golden Compass in the cinema about 10 years ago. I love the sound of it and how it's unusual.

So there are my current top boy & girl names that I (probably) won't be using with baby 2. We have agreed on 3 girl names but are struggling to agree on boy names this time round, so I'd love to hear any suggestions for fresh ideas!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate comments and read all of them!