Monday 18 November 2013

NaBloPoMo 18 If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I'm not sure I can answer this question fully as I think my opinions change depending on my circumstances.

  • I think London is a great place to live as a professional. Now I'm a parent I want out!
  • Brighton is an amazing place to live, I spent four years there whilst at uni. I always said it wouldn't be the same living there not as a student.
I think I adapt easily to new places as I've always settled in quickly without any problems.

I have a vision of the sort of family home I'd like in the future...

Sunday 17 November 2013

NaBloPoMo 17 Are you the oldest, youngest, middle or only child?

Both my parents were married previously and have children from those relationships. I am the only child they had together, so technically I am an only child but have half siblings. I have a half sister and brother on my dads side and a half brother on my mums side.
My mum is originally from Liverpool and moved south when she met my dad. Her son moved with her until he was old enough to move back to Liverpool as he was obviously happier there.
My dads two children live local to where my parents live now, where they and I grew up.
I remember always wanting another brother or sister when I was little, someone to grow up and play with. I think I was happy as an only child, I would be imaginative when playing with my toys and was happy to do so by myself. If I did grow up with siblings I wonder if we would have got on like a house on fire or squabbled constantly, as I have friends with both types of sibling relationship. I will never know.

Silent Sunday 16/11/13



Saturday 16 November 2013

NaBloPoMo 16 What is your earliest memory?

Gosh I think I must have been around three or four. We went to the Warner holiday camp in Hayling Island a few times for holidays. They used to have children's clubs so the parents could get a bit of free time. They'd taken us over to the playing field to do some sort of activity, I can't remember what. But I was much more interested in the slide which was like a helter skelter and went round and round. I obviously decided that was more fun and played on there as opposed to with the group. God knows how long I was repeating the process of climbing up the steps and sliding down. At one point I was at the top and looked to see what the group were up to. I remember panic setting in as I was there all alone. I recall running all the way back to the building but not sure if it was my parents or the children's club I managed to find.
Shocking that whoever was in charge of looking after us kids obviously hadn't done a head count or even looked around to see if any of us had strayed.  I was naughty for leaving the group to play on the slide but did have a tendency to disappear. Once I got lost and went into Marks and Spencer's to tell staff I'd lost my mummy. I was well looked after in the staff room with squash and biscuits whilst my poor mu ended up down the police station! She must have been frantic.

Friday 15 November 2013

NaBloPoMo 15 Which was the best year of your life so far?

I can't choose one! I'm going to have to say 2008 & 2013.

2013 simply because our beautiful son was born.

2008 was a great year because...

1. With friends we made the most of our last few months as uni students
2. I met the OH
3. I graduated from uni with a 2:1
4. I got my first job as a qualified teacher

I wonder what the future holds :)

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