Thursday 12 December 2013

Thank You Mothercare!

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to win an invite to the launch of the refurbished Mothercare flagship store on Oxford Street. I was looking forward to it as  I've always enjoyed browsing and shopping in Mothercare and couldn't wait to see what the new store had to offer. I actually used to work at Mothercare back in my student days for my part time job and would always imagine what I would buy when I became pregnant!
So the day came and we were getting ready to leave when Eliot was sick everywhere! Ah the joys of having children, he was getting cranky too. I decided it would be best to stay at home and if it was a bug I didn't want him to pass it on to anyone else. I emailed Mothercare to say we wouldn't be coming and to thank them again for their invite. Thankfully by the next day he was ok, I think it could have been another new tooth that had made him a bit poorly.
The evening sounded great, you can read more about it over on The London Mum and  Mummy Memories blogs!
I was thrilled when Abi from Mothercare tweeted that they would send me one of the goody bags so I hadn't missed out completely. I thought this was really thoughtful. A couple of days later I received an email from Emma who got the info needed to send the goody bag. But it wasn't quite as simple as that! The courier couldn't find the address, where we live can be tricky to locate! Emma contacted me a few more times just to clarify delivery details and then voila it arrived yesterday! So I just wanted to post and say thank you again for the invite and for taking time and effort to get the goody bag to me. :)
Thanks Mothercare!

Monday 9 December 2013

Minimal Mummy Make Up

I thought it was time to throw in a dash of beauty just like it says in my blog description! I love make up but as a mum I find time to put it on is limited! So I thought I'd share my 'minimal mummy make up'.

Bases I like to use

For a light coverage I use Laura Mercier's oil free tinted moisturiser. It gives a natural dewy finish and you can build the coverage.
MUA's BB cream gives a surprisingly good coverage at a bargain price. I recommend trying it if you haven't already!
If I'm having a 'bad skin day' I've been using Rimmels Wake Me Up foundation. I bought it a couple of weeks before my due date in June after reading lots of positive reviews on it.I love the coverage and finish it gives!

Powder & blush
I use MAC Mineralize Skin Finish powder to get rid of any shine and then MAC Mineralize Powder in Star Wonder (limited edition) for blush. One of the make up artists convinced me to buy it when I was picking up some make up for a wedding. It does leave a lovely glow on my cheeks.

Minimal eye make up
For eyes I use Rimmel Scandal eyes eyeliner in Nude on the waterline to hide any redness and to brighten the eye. I'm not too fussy when it comes to mascara and currently use Avon's Super Shocck Max which works well on my lashes.

If I have an important event or night out I'll also slap on eyeshadow, concealer, highlighter, bronzed and fill my brows, the works!

What do you use? Do you have any of this make up in your collection?

Saturday 7 December 2013

Being considerate...RANT

After two weekends of experiencing inconsiderate/rude/un-compliant people on the London Underground I feel the need to rant!

What do these notices mean to you?
For the past two weeks on the tubes we've travelled on, they have meant zilch to the general public! It has really wound me up! How much does common courtesy cost these days?
Last weekend we had Eliot in his carrier and not one person offered a seat, this upsets me because on a crowded tube it would have been much safer for one of us to be sat down with him. As the priority sign depicts, if you are holding a baby/small child (along with the other images), you have priority to sit in that seat.
Today we had Eliot in the pram and again the people sat in the fold down seats (spaces for buggys/luggage) didn't fall into the having a pushchair or luggage category, yet they didn't politely offer their seat. So instead, along with another parent we blocked the doors with our pushchairs! It just infuriates me that many people cannot comply with simple requests that affect the safety and well being of all passengers.
Even when I was heavily pregnant there were occasions where people turned a blind eye, and I have to say in 95% of these cases it has been men who have been the offenders! Though saying that I have also come across some very polite males.

Yes we could pipe up and ask politely if we could have the seat/space but we shouldn't have to when there are notices there stating the obvious!

What are you thoughts or experiences ! I would love to hear!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Winter Wonderland fail and Hamleys

So yesterday we thought it would be a nice family day out to take a trip to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. After deliberating the best mode of transport (pram or carrier) for Eliot I thought him being strapped to daddy was the most sensible. Thus avoiding trying to get the pram on to the tightly packed London Underground. Off we went and I was glad we chose the carrier as there was no way we would have got on the platform, never mind the tube! When we changed at Green Park it was such a nightmare we caught the tube back a station just so we could get on!
When arrived at Hyde Park there was a huge back log of people waiting to get inside Winter Wonderland. Poor Eliot had fallen asleep but looked uncomfortable upright in the carrier. As his bottle was due I suggested to the OH we head to a bench I spied in the distance to feed him. Who knew how long we might be stuck in the queue.
Massive queue beyond the leaves
Being fed by daddy
Once E was fed and winded we headed back to the entrance where the ridiculous amount of people waiting to get in had grown. So we decided to come back another day and walked up to Regent Street to visit Hamleys.
I don't know why I thought otherwise but Regent Street was horrendous too. My stress levels were rising! I despise busy London anyway but with Eliot in tow it made  me hate it even more!
Of course hoards of people were flocking to Hamleys and it was chocka! It was not the enjoyable experience I wanted it to be. Eliot was getting cranky, people were barging and I couldn't believe the prices! Yes I know it's Hamleys but how can they charge £40 for a Fisher Price toy I paid £15 for?! Out-bloody-rageous!
 We did buy a couple of books for E and he enjoyed looking at the display of bath toys but I certainly won't be rushing back there anytime soon!
Loving the bath toy display.

Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate comments and read all of them!