Wednesday 2 April 2014

My First Mothers Day - VLOG

y first Mothers Day had a bit of a hectic start! We were due in church at midday to get Eliot presented before he is baptised in May. With the clocks going forward it led us to run behind on time, leaving us a bit stressed and rushing around like maniacs! We got to church just in time and had Eliot presented. Luckily the rest of the day went more smoothly and I'm sharing what we got up to in a vlog. 
I don't know why I feel the need to read everything when vlogging, I think it's a teacher thing!

Hope all you mums had a wonderful mothers day, I've read some great posts!

Monday 31 March 2014

REVIEW & GIVEAWAY - Essential Baby Care Guide DVD

The Essential Baby Care Guide from The Essential Baby Company was launched in Tesco back in February. There are six individual DVD's Introduced and narrated by Professor Robert Winston , Breastfeeding, Formula Feeding, Introducing Solids, First Aid,  Your Baby's First Month and Sleeping (RRP £3.99 each). The full DVD covering all of the above is also available (RRP £19.99). All are available from Tesco and the full DVD is also available from Amazon.

I was recently sent the First Aid DVD to review. I'll be honest and say I had no idea about baby resuscitation and the recovery position for baby's. The DVD shows you how to administer to babies under one. I suppose they are both things that hope I will never have to do. But none of us know what is round the corner, within family, friends or events we may encounter out in public. I am so glad that I now have more knowledge about strategies to implement should I experience an emergency!

The DVD has several sections...
  • Baby recovery position
  • Baby resuscitation
  • Baby choking
  • Bee Stings
  • Epi Pens/Auto injections
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Baby Sprains
  • Baby Wounds
  • Baby Poisoning
Each and every section offers invaluable  advice. Advice in many of the sections that could save lives!

'All topics are explained clearly by experts in the field including, midwives, teachers, doctors & consultants, first aid trainers and nurses from organisations such as The Royal College of Paediatrics, St Johns Ambulance and UNICEF'
What I particularly found useful in the First Aid DVD was the clear explanations and demonstrations of how to carry out the first aid required.  A recap of key points at the end of each section is great too. It is helpful to hear other parents share some of their experiences.
This is perfect for all expectant parents/parents of babies. The majority of us do not have the time to book on a first aid course and this is a informative solution that can be done in your own time at home. It is advised in the DVD that you do take a first aid course but in the meantime this gives you vital information.
You cannot put a price on life or health, this is fantastic resource to inform your first aid knowledge. I highly recommend adding this to your DVD collection!
I am pleased to be able to offer one lucky reader the chance to not just win one of the guides, BUT the entire collection, all on one DVD! All you need to do is enter via the Rafflecopter below.
Each entry will be verified and the DVD will be sent to the winner by the company, not myself.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* The first aid DVD was sent to me I return for this review. All views and opinion are entirely my own.

Sunday 30 March 2014

The Ordinary Moments #9 Emotional & Baby Brain

First of all apologies for the not so great photo! I took it whilst checking on Eliot asleep. This week I have been feeling emotional and my 'baby brain' is well and truly frazzled!

On Wednesday I had a meeting at work with the other teachers I will be working with/taking over from when returning to work next Friday. I took Eliot along as it was an informal get together.
On route I became slightly overwhelmed with emotion. I was thinking about a few things, going back to work and being with out him, the workload and how I haven't taught since last June. That familiar lump began to rise in my throat and I actually shed a few tears but pulled myself together before I got to school. After all returning to work after maternity leave is an ordinary moment for many mums.

There have been many significant changes at work since I went on maternity leave and as I listened to some of the new things my brain began to frazzle. I was/am worried about how I will juggle it all but I feel somewhat reassured that it's only for three days a week.

On Thursday I experienced more joyful emotions when I met my friends new baby boy. We got on to the topic of baby brain. I've decided baby brain is a 'real' problem that affects mothers. I have a 'to do' list as long as my arm but always miss bits. I walk into a room to get/do something but forget why I went in there in the first place. If I manage to get myself more organised I'm hoping it will help the 'baby brain'!

Today I am excited to be celebrating my first mothers day, so on that note I wish you all a very happy mothers day whether it's your first or one of many!

mummy daddy me

Happy Mothers Day!!!

As we all know today is Mothers Day. It is my first time celebrating this special day and I have been looking back over the past nine months since I became a mum.
I am still in awe and wonder that I was half the jigsaw who created my beautiful son. Pregnancy is such a magical time but I spent many occasions worrying that he wasn't going to arrive safely. I am so thankful that he did and I feel so incredibly lucky to have become a mother.
It is certainly a full time job but I wouldn't dream of having it any other way. I cherish the moments we have already spent together and I look forward to the times ahead!
Happy Mothers Day to all the mummies!

Friday 28 March 2014

REVIEW-My Little Big Town Books

 This review is a bit overdue and has a slightly embarrassing story behind it! When My Little Big Town were asking bloggers if they'd like to review book on Twitter, I tweeted them and said I would like to. I sent my details via DM and that was that. A week or so passed and I started to see reviews from other bloggers. Mail has occasionally gone astray on route to our letter box so I sent a DM to My Little Big Town (or so I thought). I didn't hear back so just put it down to them being snowed under with emails, DM's etc. A couple of weeks later I realised I hadn't sent the DM to My little big town but another publisher, oopsie. I was embarrassed and left it at that. A few weeks later, a package arrived and I was surprised to find the books.
We were sent The Monster Book Of Colours and The Monster Book Of Numbers by Calvin Innes. The books themselves are a perfect size for small hands to hold and look at. I would say they are probably better for older toddlers who have an understanding that books need to be handled with care. As they are paperback they are obviously open to easy rips.
I and Eliot enjoyed the bright colours and bold words and numbers throughout both books. I think they are appealing.
There are other books in the range available, The Monster Book Of Shapes, The Monster Book Of ABC's, The Monster Book Of Textures. You can find more info at
The RRP is £4.99

*The books were sent in return for this review. All opinions are entirely my own.
Thank you so much for stopping by! I appreciate comments and read all of them!